Queen Edith's Liberal Democrats

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Next South Area meeting, 23rd June

by aldc on 14 June, 2014

southareamap001-265The next South Area meeting is 23rd June, at the Cherry Hinton Village Centre. The meeting begins at 7pm with an Open Forum, at which anyone can make a brief statement or ask questions of councillors and officers.

The first item of business will be to elect a new chair. At present, the chair is Labour councillor Mark Ashton and the vice-chair Conservative councillor Shapour Meftah.

Next, there is a report from the neighbourhood policing team and the setting of police priorities for the next four months. If you have crime or community safety issues that you’d like to bring to their attention, please come and do so, or if you cannot attend, ask one of your councillors to take it up on your behalf.

City councillors will be voting on funding for community development and environmental improvement projects. There are several in Queen Edith’s, three to protect grass from cars driving over it:

  • widening the roads near the green in Gunhild Way
  • installing posts to protect the grass verges in Wulfstan Way
  • repairing verges and widening splays in Queen Edith’s Way and Mowbray Road
  • painting lamp posts in Blinco Grove black
  • a dropped kerb in Red Cross Lane near the hospital gate to make it easier to cycle through

We’d love to hear from you if you have views on which of these are the most deserving projects.

There are five planning applications, including one at 38 Almoners Avenue and one at 66-68 Hartington Grove, plus reports on enforcement action at 27 Babraham Road and an amendment to an application at 33 QueenEdith’s Way.

For a full agenda, see here.

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